Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random-Factless Girl

Dear nonexistent readers,

I noticed that the number of page views per post has been dwindling from 42, to 25, to 23, to 17, to 5, to 0. It sadly reminds me so much of my SAT scores. Everyone told me I would do better every time. This was not the case for me, people. There are plenty of smart people in this world, and I am not one them. There are many good bloggers in the world, and I. Am not. One of them. 

Yeah, there are a very limited number of things I am good at. I got CUT (straight up, cut. so sad.) from the JV volleyball team sophomore year of high school. I'm not bitter, I was actually very happy because the other girl who got my position was way better and she deserved it. I have never done anything crazy, like skydiving, or white-water-rafting, or tour the Grand Canyon. I have never met anyone famous. 

I have always been that girl without a random fact. 

I think I have said a different random fact for every awkward ice-breakers group I've been in. And they progressively get worse and worse as I get older. I was scarred my senior year of high school. Our student ambassadors club was in charge of "8th grade visit day;" a day where all the 8th graders come tour the high school and we take them to classrooms and introduce them to different teachers and departments. I was a one of the group leaders, and I was so happy because we made it through half a day without having to go around the room and "Say your name and a random fact about yourself!" Mr. Chandler's history class ended it all. I noticed I was near the front of the "random fact" line, so I purposefully dodged and moved to a different location in order to buy myself some more time. I was seriously sweating trying to think of a dang random fact! By the time it came my turn to say something, I had it narrowed down to 3. I panicked and picked one that came to mind last second. "Uh I'm Maddie, I'm a Senior here at St. Joe, and my jaw can pop out of place."


There was a good ten seconds of awkward silence, until an annoying 8th grader piped up, "well do it." All eyes were on me, my face was so red. And, yeah, my jaw is double jointed. I got a few quick "ew"s but mostly just silence for another 10 awkward seconds until Mr. Chandler saved me from ridiculing tween eyes and said, "okay who's next!"

I wanted to die. Who knew a Senior could be so embarrassed by 8th graders. 

But really. You wanna see me look petrified? Ask me for a random fact about myself. This is not going to be easy in future interviews. 

I guess I'd rather embrace the fact that I don't have a super interesting "thing" about me than say "I play soccer." (queue the really annoying Barbie voice). I'm sorry, I don't actually judge you. I'm just jealous you at least have a sport to use. 


Can I just show pictures of the boat dance and not explain them? Yeah. 

Love, random-factless girl


  1. Hi my name's Maddie and I like NCIS.

  2. I appreciate you remembering yet another made up random fact. I won't forget how you kept asking me about NCIS all orientation week!
