Anyways, there should be an effective way to move out of a house. My family has not figured that out. Our house is not on the market. We still have furniture all over the place. It smells horrible, after 9 people living in a 4 bedroom two-story. As it turns out, there is little I can do to help, so I end up just sorting through anonymous junk in my room. Little did I know, this job would consume a great deal of my summer nights.
Tonight, I've been going through my old mix cds. Mixes that were either gifted to me from multiple friends, handed down from older siblings, burnt with love from yours truly, or even stolen from random peoples' cars. It's been kind of fun because each mix has taken me back to a very distinct memory.
The mix I'm listening to right now reminds me exactly of:
When: Spring time, junior year 2012, after school
Where: My Suburban (R.I.P. Moo Cow), old St. Joe High School parking lot
What: Eating pistachios, listening to this stellar mix cd by Donny MacDonell, leaned seat back all the way with the windows open
Who: me, myself and I
Why: I didn't want to go home just yet.
Coincidentally enough, here I am, packing up my home, not ready to leave it behind, like all of your misplaced mix cds.
Do me and my 17 year old self a favor and listen to Scenic World by Beirut.