Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thoughts During 10th Period

So, my junior year of high school, my best friend and I had this notebook we shared. We passed it back and forth between classes. It was so cute because our lockers were right next to each other, so we would giggle between handoffs and say something like, "this one is so funny," or "please don't judge me," or "do not let anyone see this." I think I still have it somewhere at home. We wrote about silly drama, we made up poems, recited our favorite lyrics, made weekend plans, drew pictures and all other things that one would assume is associated with a best-friend-diary. It was cute. It was so cute.

Anyways, we first named the notebook "Perks of Being a Nobody." It sounds very sad, but it was actually a happy little thing. The title transformed to "Thoughts During 10th Period." 10th period, I had chemistry on the 3rd floor of our God-lovin' no-air-blowin' high school, and I loved it so much. I sat right next to the window and watched the seasons change all my young days long. I documented the change all the while. And of course all the thoughts that accompanied it.

Anyways, I think this blog is my 10th period.

Here's a list, just because.

Things I came to further appreciate this week:

  • Definitely, definitely rain boots. 
  • A good honest laugh (they can do wonders, man!)
  • Cute edgy waitresses at sushi restaurants who kinda seem to be everyone's friend
  • Today, a girl in my Administration of Serving the Aged class said this about one of our favorite professors, "He is the man, with every respect to the word." I liked it.
  • During the same class, we got a little sidetracked and started talking about different kinds of milk. One person said she had tried goat milk, and when we asked what it tasted like she literally said, "goaty." When we asked her to explain herself she said, "Have you ever been around a goat? Well think of that feeling, and that's what it tastes like." The strange thing is...I kinda understand what taste she is talking about. Also, I think I might start using the adjective "goaty" a little more often.
  • Parking garages
  • People who are good at introducing you to the other people they are with
  • The hidden therapy of a good spring cleaning session
  • I guess the rain... I guess. 

Well, it's not all that I have to say, but I suppose it will suffice for now.

*Ring ring* 10th period is over.

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Pretty Good Day

I'm sorry, today. This title did not do you justice! You were not just "a pretty good" day. You were a great day! And this is why.

I rolled out of bed at, eh, 9:30. I gave up sleeping in for Lent. It's been a great sacrifice to make because now I'm usually productive. But even when I'm not productive, at least I'm awake and praising the Lord I'm breathing (and casually sipping coffee). 

So I had my coffee and I got ready for the day and I did some squats and I bathed in the sun on our back patio... That was a lot of good in one sentence.

I went to class and I laughed really hard because my professor, for some reason, cannot for the life of him remember Paul Szorik's name who sits behind me. Honestly, he asks what Paul's name is twice a class. Poor Paul. I know you, Paul. 

Every Monday, I volunteer with the Musketigers club! We go to Withrow High School and we mentor high school students. Most of them are refugees, so it has been really neat learning a little bit about where they come from and the different cultures. Today, I met Ahmadou who knows 4 different languages! I have only been a little useful when it comes to tutoring, but I mostly enjoy asking about their week and encouraging them in their studies, exams, etc. On top of that, a lot of them ask me about what the college application process was like, and what the college experience is like for me now. I am so excited to see where these kids go! 

When we got back, I did some homework outside OH MY GOODNESS I FORGOT TO SAY IT WAS 75 DEGREES TODAY and it was so nice because the weather was perfect, to say the least. 

After getting some work done, I went out to dinner with some of my girlfriends. Here's the story, man. Abby and I bought a garden plot together on campus last week. We had our first day of learning how to garden yesterday, and the professor in charge of it all gave us a copy of his favorite restaurants in Cincinnati. He is all about organic foods and super chill environments. (So if anyone wants a copy, let me know, because I plan on checking out every single one). So tonight for dinner, we went to The Incline House! They are known for their pizzas and the view of downtown Cincinnati. Lauren (Cincinnati native) was telling us how cool the location was because you see "the old side" of Cincinnati, as opposed to the other side that most are accompanied to seeing, which is new and ever-changing and still so pretty. 

Here are some images of the nook, and more importantly, the loves who kept me company. 

If you're gonna go, I highly recommend trying any of their pizzas. Lauren and I split the Mediterranean on the right and I got the house salad. Also, as soon as you get to the table they have these eco-friendly bottles of Vero water, ready for you to pour as you please. I just really liked it. 

And a view to make it 234509x more worth it, if possible. 

And to close, my motto when it comes to whipping out my camera in embarrassing public places, "Do it for the blog!" I do it for the blog, I do it for you.

Bye, for now.